Workshops, Training Calendar, Registration and Workshop and Keynote Topics Competency-based online learning for direct service personnel Supported Employment and Day Activity Program Development. Small Business Marketing Services. Job Development, Learning Styles Workbook and Video, Curriculums Vocational Profile, Glossary, Task Analysis and More! Satisfied Customers, Mindy's Vitae, Conference Blurb






Mindy J. Oppenheim 


Master of Education.   Virginia Commonwealth University.  Richmond, Virginia.  (July 1991).  Area of Study: Adult Education with an emphasis in Instructional Design and Human Resource Development. 

Bachelor of Arts.  Florida State University. Tallahassee, Florida (June 1981).  Area of Study: Psychology with an emphasis on physiology and research.

Miami Dade Community College. Miami, Florida. Associate of Arts in Psychology, June 1976.  Area of Study:  Psychology and Sociology (Tennis Scholarship, 1974-1976).

* Post Employment Training for Rehabilitation Administration.  San Diego State University, San Diego (2002-2003). 




* NLP Practitioner Certificate.  NLP Marin.

* Coast Guard Master Captain, 50 Ton Inland Waters.

* American Sailing Association Certified Instructor.




VRP provides work and job training for individuals with chronic mental illness often complicated by persistent homelessness, substance abuse, chronic medical problems and criminal justice involvement. Developed social enterprise businesses including: “Happy Buns” hot dog cart; Slice of Life Catering; Baking Training Kitchen; Sensory Modification Blanket Sewing Program; and our Hospital-wide Coffee Cart(s). Our program manages a donation center that provides clean clothes and shoes for patients being discharged from the hospital. As Director I've developed accounting, inventory and licensing protocols as well as training, assessment and evaluation tools. Profits from our businesses and successful grant applications have been used to triple the number of individuals we provide services to and create 4 part-time “peer specialist” positions through UCSF. I currently supervise seven professional staff and approximately 60 workers.

Founding Member and Member of Board of Directors

Employment Support Professional Certification Council (2010 – Present)

Washington, DC

Founding Member and Member of Board of Directors; Employment Support Professional Certification Council (2010 – Present). Through the Association of People Supporting Employment First (Formerly the Assoc. of Persons in Supported Employment), we have written and developed the first national license for employment support professionals. This comprehensive examination is based on national standardized competencies and administered by an independent professional organization.

  • Career Counselor/Job Developer, California State University East Bay (August 2009 – Present).  Provide career counseling and job development services to CSU graduates with developmental, psychiatric, and physical disabilities.  Manage Project Administrative Assistant.   

  • President, Supported Employment Education Designs (SEED) (April 1994 - Present).  Provide instructional design, technical assistance, training and consulting services to welfare-to-work, supported employment, special education, school-to-work transition and rehabilitation personnel (please see attached client and workshop listings).  Write, produce, and host ‘the SEED’s Online Anytime’ e-Learning library (  Highlights of major contracts and projects under the SEED:

State-sponsored trainer for any CA Mental Health / Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) Coop vendor agencies.  Three year contract awarded 2003, 2006, 2009. 

State-sponsored trainer for DOR and Department of Education Coops (School-to-Work Transition Programs, Transition Partnership Programs and WorkAbility Programs.  (Three-year contract awarded 2007).

Sponsored trainer through The California Employment Training Network for Workforce Investment Boards and One-Stop personnel


Director of Staff Development, Hope Rehabilitation Services (July 1999 - 2002).  Santa Clara, CA.  This was a 70% time - 3 year contract.  Supervised Administrative Assistant.  Developed, implemented and tracked agency-wide competency-based training for 750 geographically dispersed staff. Assisted in the development of a community-based day activity program. Spearheaded conversion effort to transition over 700 individuals with developmental disabilities into community employment.  Designed and managed six satellite staff resource centers and a central cataloged library. Developed and managed online degree program (AA, BA and Master degree) with San Diego State University.  Developed and conducted job coach certificate program.


Director, California Business Initiative (October 1996-1999). Awarded $50,000 grant from the State of California Developmental Disability Council and the State Department of Developmental Disabilities to conduct a statewide marketing campaign for the employment of persons with developmental disabilities.  With these dollars I organized a “Career Fair for Persons with Disabilities” for three years in partnership with the San Francisco Mayor’s Committee for Persons With Disabilities.  The Career Fair was attended by approximately 50 employers and 1,000 job seekers.  Partner and staff to the Department of Developmental Disabilities statewide Business Advisory Council.


  • Instructor, San Diego State University (2001)

Psy 590 - Psychological Foundations of Adult and Vocational Education

Psy 150 - Disability and Society


         Instructor, College of Alameda, Disabled Student Program Services Department  (1994 – 1996) 

LRNRE 265 - Technical Skills (Manage campus work experience program for DSPS students)

LRNRE 266 - Preparation for Employment (Job Club format)

LRNRE 268 - Money Management


         Instructor, Chapman University, Special Education Department, Fairfield Academic Center (1994 -- 1996)  

EDUC 565 - Education of People with Mental Retardation 

EDUC 550 - Vocational & Career Transition

EDUC 560 - Strategies for Teaching Students with Severe Disabilities


         Visiting Assistant Professor, Dominican University, San Rafael (1995 – 1997)

            PSY 199 - Psychology of Learning Styles


Senior Analyst, Berkeley Planning Associates, Oakland, California (1991 -- 1994).   During tenure at BPA worked on the following federally funded multi-year research grants.  Participated in initial grant writing teams as well as writing yearly continuation grants (Grants ranged from $75,000 - $500,000).


         Principal Analyst.  Awarded a Small Business Innovation Research grant from the Department of Education to develop a business plan to create a distance education television network to train rehabilitation, special education, and supported employment personnel.  ($75,000 for stages one and two).


         Project Director for a federally funded (NIDRR) Regional Rehabilitation Information Exchange. Developed supported employment program evaluation tool; coordinated program evaluations in four states; provided technical assistance and information services to direct service and management personnel; editor of quarterly newsletter. 


         Senior Analyst for a federally funded (NIDRR) study to identify, test and disseminate effective models of supported employment for individuals with long‑term mental illness.  Responsible for client‑ and system-level data collection from programs located throughout the country. 


         Instructor.  University of San Francisco, McLaren Graduate School of Management: Disability Recruitment and Retention through Community Partnerships.  Trained management, human resources, vocational rehabilitation, and supported employment professionals to effectively implement and maintain quality recruitment and retention programs for people with disabilities.


         Senior Analyst for contract to evaluate the State of Oregon, Vocational Rehabilitation Division (VRD) and the Mental Health and Developmental Disability Services (MHDDSD) collaborative project to provide community-based services to persons with severe and persistent mental illness being discharged from state mental hospital. 


Program Co-Coordinator/Distance Education Producer.   Supported Employment Telecourse Network (SETNET), Rehabilitation Research and Training Center; Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia (1988 - 1991). 



                Producer and/or co-producer for 45 live interactive telecourses televised internationally to a total audience of approximately 4,000.

            •    Instructional designer of three instructional video/workbook products.

            •    International marketing of telecourses.  Coordinated over 50 downlink sites in 35 states and Canada.

            •    Served as moderator for 21 telecourses and instructor/presenter for four.

            •    Presented at four national professional conferences to an audience of approximately 1,500.

            •    Produced/developed the SET NET Video Library of 20 re-edited broadcasts.

            •    Project awarded the coveted Parker Communications Award for Excellence in Distance Education in 1990.

             •   Project design from inception.

Statewide Training and Marketing Coordinator, Florida Supported Employment Project, Florida Association of Rehabilitation Facilities, Tallahassee, Florida (1986 - 1988).  ($500,000 per year, three-year federal grant)



            •    Project design from inception.

            •    Hired, supervised and trained five (statewide) technical assistance and training specialists.

            •    Developed educational and training materials used by field staff.

            •    Developed five regional resource libraries.

            •    Developed and coordinated statewide technical assistance effort.

Coordinated statewide information dissemination effort.

Editor of the ADVANTAGE, the projects monthly newslette

Presented at numerous state and national conferences.


Program Manager, Goodwill Industries Big Bend, Tallahassee, Florida (1983 - 1986)


            • Coordinated personal, work adjustment and job placement services for people with psychiatric, developmental or physical disabilities.

            •      * Developed and supervised Job Club.

            •      * Awarded Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) funds and designed and managed supported employment program.

            •      * Supervised employment specialist position.


    Project Director, Semi-Independent Living-Training Apartments, Madison Association for Retarded Citizens, Madison, Florida (1982 - 1983)


            •    Project design from inception.

            •    Developed organizational structure and manual.

            •    Designed and modified four apartments for eight adults considered severely disabled.

 •    Hired and supervised training assistant, weekend and relief staff.

            •    Designed and managed independent living skills training for each resident.

            •    Created resource library.


Training Instructor and Relief House Counselor, Leon Association for Retarded Citizens, Tallahassee, Florida (1981 - 1982)



            •    Designed and implemented behavioral education training programs for eight non-ambulatory developmentally disabled adults.

            •    Coordinated all appointments and medications.

            •    Updated filing system.

            •    Provided advocacy services to residents including the acquisition of new wheelchairs for the residents.





         Board of Directors, International Association for Persons in Supported Employment.   (March, 1997 – 2001)

         Board of Trustees, Arc San Francisco. (February 1996 - 1999)

         Chair (1998), Executive Board Member, San Francisco Mayor’s Committee for Employment of People with Disabilities. (March 1996 – Present; Job Fair Chair, 1996 – 1999)

         Grant Reviewer, US Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration.  (1995)

         Vice President, California Association of Persons in Supported Employment, (1994-1997)

         OBRA Evaluator, Virginia Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services, (1991)Conducted resident reviews at the Central Virginia Training Center (State Hospital), Lynchburg, VA, to make recommendations for active treatment and services.

        Instructor, Virginia Commonwealth University Rehabilitation and Training Center on Supported Employment, Internship Training (1989 - 1991).  Trained employment specialists throughout the country in areas related to supported employment job development and instructional strategies on the job site.

         Instructor, Center for the Study of Developmental Disabilities, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida (1987 - 1988).  Trained employment specialists throughout Florida in the area of initial skill acquisition and behavioral training in a work environment.  Served as consultant in the design of the entire curriculum.

         President, Leon County Association for Community Services, Tallahassee, Florida (1986).  Organized and managed a consortium of social service agencies for the purpose of information and resource exchange throughout the community. 






You Don't Know Jack About Developmental Disability, August 2003. (online competency quiz)


Rights of People with Developmental Disabilities, April 2003.


Overview of Developmental Disability, December 2002.


Introduction to Neurolinguistics and Multiple Intelligence.  Video. Produced by: Irene Ward and Associates.

Preparation for Employment: A Job Search Journal and Job Club Curriculum.  120pp. (January, 2000).

Supervising Employees with Disabilities.  Video and workbook, co-author. Produced by: Irene Ward and Associates.  (January, 1999)

K-12 Career Education Goals, Objectives and Activities – A  Teachers Resource Manual.  Developed for the Fremont Unified School District.  170pp, (July, 1998)

Life Skills Continuum Student Journal: A Longitudinal Record of Student Progress.  Developed for the Fremont Unified School District.  170pp.  (July, 1996)

Learning and Teaching Styles: Innovative Instructional Strategies.  December, 1997.

Job Development and Marketing: Innovations and Best Practices.  December, 1997.

Crisis Prevention and Crisis Management Handbook.  Developed for the Regional Center of the East Bay (RCEB) for use in all of their group homes and other facilities.  (February, 1996).

Mo' Money, Mo' Money, Mo' Money: Resources for Entrepreneurial Ventures.  Developed for the University of Oregon and the Oregon Department of Rehabilitation, 1992.

Supported Employment for Persons with Visual Impairments.  A 2 hour video and accompanying instructional manual, 1991.

Supported Employment Minutes.  A one hour video and instructional manual designed to supplement live training by supported employment instructors, 1990.

Supported Employment Resource Manual.  A training tool developed to train newly hired Supported Employment Resource Specialist's for the Florida Supported Employment Project, 1987.

Supported Employment Train the Trainer's Instructional Package.  A step by step instructional guide on developing and implementing in-service training programs, 1987.

Project Director's Training Package.  A training packet for project directors awarded start-up grants, 1987. 

Employment Specialist Training Program.  A three-day workshop curriculum developed for field trainers including script, overheads, support material and videos, 1987.

Employment Specialist Manual.  Workshop participant training manual (333 pp.), 1987.

Employment Specialist Training one day workshop curriculum.  This included script, overheads, support materials, videos and manual, 1987.

The Florida Supported Employment Project Technical Assistance Program.  Used by field staff in the provision of technical assistance to rehabilitation facilities, 1987. 

Training curriculum for District Vocational Rehabilitation Program Managers, and the Administrators of the Job Training Partnership Act, 1986.

Job Seeker's Workbook.  An instructional guide for participants of Goodwill's Job Club, 1985.

Semi-Independent Living Training Program Organizational Manual, 1983.  


Basic Supported Employment

Supported Employment, An Overview.  Producer, moderator, February 8, 1989.

Job Development Strategies in Group Models.  Producer, moderator, February 15, 1989.

Follow-along Strategies in Group Models.  Producer, moderator, March 8, 1989

Job Development and Placement via the Individual Placement Model.  March 22, 1989

Advanced Supported Employment

Initiating Instructional Programming.  Producer, moderator, instructor, May 10, 1989

Working With Interfering Behaviors.  Producer, June 7, 1989.

Job Site Modification and Fading.  Presenter, June 21, 1989.

Program Management

Recruiting, Hiring, and Orienting Staff.  Producer, September 6, 1989.

Managing and Supervising Staff.  Producer, October 4, 1989.

Program Outcome Evaluation.  Producer, October 25, 1989.

Implementing Supported Employment

Overview of Supported Employment.  Producer, moderator, instructor, February 8, 1990.

Referral and Assessment Process. Moderator, February 21, 1990.

Job Development and Job Matching.  Producer, instructional designer, March 7, 1990.

Follow-along, On-going Support, and Trouble Shooting.  Producer, moderator, April 4, 1990.

Job Site Instructional Strategies

Task Analysis and Reinforcement.  Producer, writer, instructional designer, May 16, 1990.

Job Site Modification and Fading.  Producer, moderator, instructional designer, June 13, 1990.

Job Development and Placement Strategies

Job Development and Marketing.  Producer, instructional designer, moderator, January 16, 1991.

Consumer Assessment, Matching, and Placement Issues.  Producer, instructional designer, moderator, January,1991.

Job Site Instructional Strategies

Strategies for Facilitating Skill Acquisition.  Producer, moderator, April 10, 1991.

Strategies for Maintenance, Generalization, Fading, and Self-Management Procedures. Producer, moderator, May, 1991.


Supported Employment for Persons w/ Visual Impairments. Producer, moderator, instructional design, September 1990.

Community Based Instruction.  Co-producer, November 14, 1990.

Supported Employment for Persons with Traumatic Brain Injury.  Producer, moderator, instructional designer, Sept.1991.

The Americans with Disabilities Act.  Producer, instructional designer, October 31, 1991. 



Silicon Valley Economic Development.  Overview of Learning Styles and Self-Employment for People with Mental Retardation.  December, 1999.

Region IX RCEP/CRP, San Diego State University.  Learning & Teaching Styles.  Las Vegas, NV.  November, 1999.

Education Service Center, Region VI. Learning and Teaching Styles.   Huntsville, TX.  November, 1999.

Oregon Rehabilitation Association Annual Conference. Communication Skills for Supervisors and Managers. Eugene, OR.  October, 1999.

New Mexico Learning Disability Association Annual Conference.   Learning Styles in the Classroom and at Home. Albuquerque, N.M., October, 1999.

South Dakota Association of Persons in Supported Employment and the SD Association for Mental Retardation Annual Conference.  Neurolinguistics and Communication Skills.  Spearfish, SD.  October, 1999.

Access to Employment.  Disability Awareness.   Presentation to local Employers.  St. Paul, MN.  October, 1999.

Minnesota Association for Persons in Supported Employment. Job Development & Marketing.  St. Paul, MN.  October, 1999

Imagine Enterprises. Texas State Stewards Annual Meeting.   Learning and Teaching Styles.  Galveston, TX. September, 1999.

California Association of Persons in Supported Employment, Annual Conference. Brain-Based Learning, Neurolinguistics, Job Development.  Palm Desert, CA.  September, 1999.

Wisconsin Annual Supported Employment Conference.  Keynote Speaker, various sessions on learning styles.  Stevens Point, Wisconsin. September, 1999.

Visalia County Private Industry Council.  Annual Conference.   Learning Styles. July, 1999.

Association of Persons in Supported Employment, Annual Conference. Brain-Based Learning, Neurolinguistics, Job Development.  Chicago, IL.  July, 1999

Oregon Office of Developmental Disabilities.  Job Development and Marketing and Learning Styles.  Salem, OR.  June, 1999.

SEED.  Learning and Teaching Styles.  Santa Rosa, CA.   June, 1999.

SEED.  Organizational Consulting for Job Developers.  Los Angeles, CA, June 1999

SEED.  Job Development and Marketing.  Los Angeles, CA. June, 1999.

SEED.  Brain-Based Learning.  Sacramento, CA.  May 1999.

Alta California Regional Center.  Learning and Teaching Styles.  Sacramento, CA.  May, 1999.

SEED.  Job Development and Marketing for Job Developers.   Sacramento, CA.  May, 1999.

SEED.  Organizational Consulting for Job Developers.  Los Angeles, CA, June 1999

SEED.  Job Development and Marketing Skills for Job Developers,  San Francisco, CA.  May, 1999

Long Beach Unified School District, Special Education.  Job Development and Marketing.  April, 1999.

Huron Community Services.  Learning and Teaching Styles.   Huron, South Dakota.  April, 1999.

SEED.  Learning Styles.  San Francisco, CA.  April, 1999.

Denver Business Leadership Network. Learning and Teaching Styles Workshop. Denver, CO. December, 1998.

New Jersey APSE Conference.  Pre-conference day on Learning Styles and 2 sessions on Marketing and Neurolinguistics and Learning.  Newark, NJ.  March, 1999.

Hope Rehabilitation.  Job Development and Marketing.  San Jose, CA.  March, 1999.

Kaposia, Inc.  Learning and Teaching Styles and Train-the-Trainer workshops.  St. Paul, MN.  February, 1999.

Oregon Technical Assistance Center.  Learning and Teaching Styles.  Portland, OR.  February, 1999.

Region IX RCEP.  Learning and Teaching Styles.  Reno, NV.  February, 1999.

Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, Vocational Rehabilitation.  Communication and Neurolinguistics.  Eagle Butte, South Dakota.  January, 1999.

Puerto Rico Conference on Autism.  Learning Styles and Strategies for People with Autism.  San Juan, Puerto Rico.  December, 1998

Denver Business Leadership Network.  Learning and Teaching Styles Workshop.  Denver, CO.  December, 1998

San Jose Job Coaches Forum.  Learning and Communication Strategies.  November, 1998.

Region IX RCEP/CRP.  Organizational Development: Facilitating Change.  Los Angeles, Fresno, and Oakland, CA.  November – December 1998

South Carolina Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation.  Learning and Teaching Styles.  Charlotte, SC.  November, 1998.

University of Arizona, Dept. of Special Education and Rehabilitation.  School-to-Work Transition for Students with Disabilities.  October, 1998.

Arizona Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities.  Self Employment for People with Developmental Disabilities: History and Strategies.  October, 1998

California’s Job Developers Association.  Communication, Sales and Marketing Strategies.  Sacramento, CA.  October 1998

Far North Regional Center.  Learning Styles II: Brain-Based Learning and Teaching Strategies.  Redding, CA. October 1998.

Supported Life Institute.  Job Development and Learning Styles.  Sacramento, CA.  October 1998.

Texas Supported Employment Conference.  Learning and Teaching Styles Workshop.  Lubbock, TX  September, 1998.

Association for Persons in Supported Employment Annual Conference.  Learning and Teaching Styles – Pre conference day.  Multiple Intelligence’s and Communication and Marketing.  Albuquerque, NM.  July, 1998.

Region IX RCEP/CRP.  Sales, Communication & Marketing Skills.  Sacramento, CA.  May, 1998

SEED.  Learning and Teaching Styles.  Sacramento, CA.  June, 1998

American Association for Training and Development (ASTD).   Disability Forum.  International Conference, San Francisco, CA.  June, 1998

CA Governor’s Committee on Employment of Persons with Disabilities Annual Meeting.  How to Produce a Successful Career Fair.  Sacramento, CA.  June, 1998.

West Virginia Supported Employment Conference.  Learning Styles and Job Development & Marketing.  Sutton, WV.  May 1998

Region IX RCEP/CRP.  Sales, Communication & Marketing Skills.  Orange County, CA.  May, 1998

Region IX RCEP/CRP.  Sales, Communication & Marketing Skills.  Sparks, Nevada.  May, 1998

Agnews Developmental Center.  Learning & Teaching Styles.  April, 1998

Santa Clara County Committee for the Employment of People with Disabilities.  Long Range Planning.  April, 1998

Far North Regional Center.  Communication and Conflict Negotiation.  Redding, CA.  April, 1998

Region IX RCEP/CRP.  Sales, Communication & Marketing Skills.  San Francisco, CA. April, 1998

Regional Center of the East Bay.  Learning and Teaching Styles.  Oakland, CA.  March, 1998

Choices Institute and the Region VI Area Board.  Learning and Teaching Styles.  Manteca, CA.  March, 1998

Ohio Developmental Disability Council.  Learning & Teaching Styles.  Columbus, OH.  March, 1998

Region IX RCEP/CRP.  Sales, Communication & Marketing Skills.  San Bernardino, CA. March, 1998

Region IX RCEP/CRP.  Sales, Communication & Marketing Skills.  Fresno, CA. March, 1998

SEED.  Learning and Teaching Styles.  Long Beach, CA.  January, 1998

Region IX RCEP/CRP.  Sales, Communication & Marketing Skills.  Los Angeles, CA. February, 1998

Region IX RCEP/CRP.  Sales, Communication & Marketing Skills.  San Fernando Valley, CA. February, 1998

SEED.  Learning and Teaching Styles.  San Francisco, CA.  January, 1998

Parent Education and Resource Center.  Career Choices for Students.  S. San Francisco.  November, 1997.

Abilities Expo.  Creating Employment Opportunities.  San Mateo, CA, November 1997

Supported Life Conference.  Various workshops.  October, 1997

Far North Regional Center.  Learning and Teaching Styles.  Redding, CA.  Sept. 1997

Collin County MHMR.  Job Development & Marketing.  Plano, TX.  September, 1997

Collin County MHMR.  Learning Styles.  Plano, TX, August, 1997

Texas Dept. of Ed. Region IX Service Ctr.  Keynote Presentation.  Amarillo, TX.  August, 1997

University of South Carolina.  Person Centered Planning and Training.  Clemson, SC. Aug. 1997.

Association for Persons in Supported Employment.  Pre-and Conference Workshops.  July, 1997

Poplar Re-Care and University of San Francisco.  Learning Styles.  July, 1997

Harbor Regional Ctr.  Business Advisory Committee Planning and Development.  Torrance, CA .  July, 1997

ARC Placer County.  Learning and Teaching Styles.  Roseville, CA.  July, 1997

Region IX RCEP/CRP.  Job Development.  Sacramento, CA.  June, 1997

Shasta College, Dept. of Rehabilitation.  Marketing and Job Development.  Redding, CA.  June, 1997

University of San Francisco.  Neurolinguistics and Teaching New Behaviors.  Watsonville, CA.  June, 1997

Region IX RCEP/CRP.  Employment Spec./Day Program Staff Training.  Covina, CA.  June, 1997.

California Assoc. of Persons in Supported Employment.  Pre- and conference workshops.  Palm Desert, CA.  May, 1997.

Los Angeles Co. Autism Society (Jay Nolan Community Services).  Weekly staff training April – July, 1997.

University of Hawaii, Supported Employment Project.  Supported Employment Conference.  Kona, HI.  April, 1997.

South Carolina Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation.  Job Development.  Florence, SC.  April, 1997.

Placer County Unified Schools.  Teaching and Learning Styles and Job Development.  Auburn, CA.  March, 1997.

Alabama Department of Rehabilitation.  Train the Trainer.  February, 1997.

Project Hire.  Job Development & Learning Styles, Little Rock, Arkansas, March, 1997.

Missouri Department of Mental Health, Division of MR/DD.  Keynote Address.  An Entrepreneurial Approach to Human

Services.  Osage Beach, Missouri.  (October, 1996).

Supported Life Institute Conference.  Workshops.  Job Development & Marketing; Learning & Teaching Styles.  Sacramento, CA.  (October, 1996).

University of Hawaii, Supported Employment Project.  Providing Quality Customer Services. Oahu and Maui. (October 28-19, 1996).

Minnesota Association of Community Based Organizations (MACRO).  Creating Individualized Goals and Objectives.  Minneapolis, MN. (March, 1996).

Community Resource Services.  Learning Styles & Instructional Strategies.  Yubba City, CA  (March, 1996).

Indiana Supported Employment Conference.  Learning and Teaching Styles & Job Development.  Indianapolis, IN (December, 1995).

Regional Center for the East Bay (RCEB).  Learning and Teaching Styles. Richmond, CA (November, 1995)

Valley Association of Rehabilitation Facilities (VALARF).  Job Development/Marketing.  Fresno, CA 

(November 1995)

Oregon Technical Assistance Center.  Learning and Teaching Styles. Salem, OR (September, 1995).

California Conference Committee.  Learning and Teaching Styles. Ontario, CA  (September, 1995).

Choices Transitional Services.  Learning and Teaching Styles.  Placerville CA (September, 1995).

SEED.  Job Development in  a Changing Economy.  San Francisco, CA  (September 1995)

SEED.  Learning and Teaching Styles.  Oakland, CA (September, 1995).

Adelante Development Center.  Learning and Teaching Styles, Instructional Strategies & Job Development:

The Best of Series:.  Albuquerque, New Mexico  (August - September, 1995).

Social Vocational Services (SVS).  Job Development, Creating Opportunities.  Torrance, CA (August  28, 1995).

SEED.  Learning and Teaching Styles.  Oakland, CA  (June  1-2, 1995).

Association for Persons in Supported Employment.  Learning Styles: Hints for Better Training and Communication. Annual conference, San Francisco (June 7, 1995).

SEED.  Job Development in a Changing Economy.  Oakland, CA   (June 22-23, 1995).

West Virginia Supported Employment Symposium. Plenary Session. Beyond Traditional Job Development.  Sutton, West Virginia, (May 1995).

Business Connections.  Beyond Traditional Job Development. Allentown, Pennsylvania, (March 1995).

Oregon Rehabilitation Association1994 Region X Conference.  Learning Styles: Hints for Better Training and Communication.  Invited speaker at the on Rehabilitation.  Portland, Oregon (November 1994).

California Department of Rehabilitation and University of San Francisco.  Facilitator. Supported Employment in California: Where We are and Where We're Going.  Twelve public forums conducted throughout CA (September 1994).

Association for Persons in Supported Employment.  Learning Styles: Hints for Better Training and Communication.  Annual conference, San Francisco (July 1994).

Association for Persons in Supported Employment.  Distance Education Overview, Resources and Planning Consultation.  San Francisco (July 1994).

Arizona Department of Economic Security.  Overview and History of Supported Employment for People with Mental Illness.  One and one-half day workshop for VR counselors, Behavioral Health Services case managers, and service providers.  Phoenix and Tucson (April and May, 1994).

Arizona Department of Economic Security, Rehabilitation Services Administration.  The RSA Vision for Employment Support Services.  Facilitated a training and planning two-day workshop for Vocational Rehabilitation managers.  Phoenix (April, 1994).

Options for Southern Oregon, Inc.  Provided consultation services to program serving persons with psychiatric disabilities for the development of a for-profit venture to support program services.  Grants Pass, OR (1994). 

Region IX Exemplary Program Train-the-Trainer Workshop.  Developed one day training curriculum to prepare exemplary programs to provide technical assistance to supported employment programs in Region IX.  Oakland, CA (1993).

Placement and Support Strategies.  Series of three-two day workshops for supported employment job coaches and program managers.  Subcontractor for University of San Francisco.  San Francisco, San Diego (1993), Fresno (1994).

Strategic Job Development.  Series of three-two day workshops for job coaches and program managers. Subcontractor for University of San Francisco.  San Diego, San Francisco, and Phoenix, AZ (1993), Fresno, CA (1994).

Employing People with Disabilities Through Community Support.  Series of two-two day workshops for vocational rehabilitation counselors, job coaches, and business personnel.  Subcontractor for University of San Francisco.  Pasadena, CA (December 1992 and January 1993).

Rehabilitation Training Technologies.  Two-day workshops for vocational rehabilitation, supported employment, and business personnel.  Subcontractor for University of San Francisco.  Honolulu, HI (1992) and Los Angeles, CA (1993).

Train the Trainer Skill Development.  Two-day workshop for vocational rehabilitation, supported employment, and business personnel.  Honolulu, HI and Los Angeles, CA (1993).

Mo' Money, Mo' Money, Mo' Money: Resources for Entrepreneurial Ventures.  Forum on Long-term

Supports for People with Mental Illness, Silver Falls, Oregon, December 1992.

Supported Employment and the Americans with Disabilities Act.  A one day workshop for the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, 1992.

Supported Employment for Persons with Visual Impairments.  General Session, American Council for the Blind Annual Conference, Tampa, Florida, 1991.

Utilizing Distance Education for Training Rehabilitation Staff.  Association for Persons in Supported Employment Conference.  Denver, Colorado, 1990.

Closing speaker at the First Annual Florida Job Coach Conference.  Stuart, Florida, 1989.

Implementing the Model for Public School Personnel.  Bureau of Exceptional Education Students Supported Employment Projects Meeting.  Orlando, Florida, 1988.

Implementing the Model for Persons with Chronic Mental Illness.  Florida Chapter of the International Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services Annual Meeting.  Orlando, Florida, 1988.

Supported Employment Opportunities for Transitioning Students.  Parent to Parent of Florida, Miami Chapter.  Miami, Florida, 1988.

Current Trends and Resources in Supported Employment.  Florida Diagnostic Learning Resource Centers,  Gateway Supported Employment Conference.  Lake City, Florida, 1988.

Strategies for Systems Change.  Gulf States Supported Employment Conference.  Navarre Beach, Florida, 1988.

Developing Quality Programs, Best Practices.  Parent to Parent Statewide Conference.  Orlando, Florida, 1988.

Successful Training Techniques.  Florida Rehabilitation Association Conference.  Tampa, Florida, 1987.

Behavioral Technology in the Work Place.  Florida Association for Behavior Analysis Statewide

Conference.  Sarasota, Florida, 1987.

Strategies for Working with Parents of Children with Developmental Disabilities.  Parent to Parent Statewide Conference. Tampa, Florida, 1987.

Developing a Quality Supported Employment Program.  Five-one day workshops provided to organizations submitting grant proposals, 1987.

The Supported Employment Model of Rehabilitation.  Florida Rehabilitation Association Statewide Conference.  Miami, Florida, 1986.

Effective Funding and Utilization of a Job Coach.  Leon County School Board, Vocational Rehabilitation and Job Training Partnership Act Administrators, 1986.

The Care and Nurturing of Job Coaches.  Florida State University Special Education Department Advisory Committee for Job Coach Training; Tallahassee, Florida, 1986.