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Training and Technical Assistance for Mental Health Providers


New Contract Awarded Through 2012 (Training Contract with CA Dept. of Mental Health since 2005)

Developing and Implementing Technical Assistance and Customized Training

In conjunction with DMH/DOR cooperative program staff, the SEED will provide technical expertise for local and/or regional collaborative partners in the development of customized training or technical assistance. The contractor will work with state and local partners which may include the activities below:

1) Working with DMH/DOR training coordinators to develop, implement, facilitate and evaluate special projects.

2) Development of products to support employment systems and state level activities in written, visual media and electronic formats.

3) Assisting in developing community/employer partnerships and strategies which focus on the employment of persons with psychiatric disabilities.


Selected Job Development Workshops and Technical Assistance

Train-the-Trainer Workshop

Learning & Teaching Styles: Customized Employment Options for People with Disabilities

Selected Mental Health Client List:

  • AZ Dept. Economic Security – Rehab Services Administration

  • California Department of Rehabilitation

  • California Department of Mental Health

  • Community Mental Health Services, San Francisco

  • County of LA, DMH, CalWorks

  • County of Sacramento

  • Crestwood Behavioral Health Center

  • Crossroads, Sacramento

  • CVE, San Francisco

  • Kern County Mental Health

  • Nami Kern County

  • Phoenix Programs, Inc.

  • Richmond Area Multi-Services, Inc

  • Riverside County Mental Health

  • San Francisco Mental Health Services

  • S. Central Health & Rehab Program.

  • South Carolina Dept. of MHMR Social Services

  • South Dakota Department of Vocational Rehabilitation

  • Toolworks, San Francisco

  • Triple R Behavioral Health, Inc., Phoenix, AZ

  • Utah State Developmental Center, American Fort

  • WV Bureau for Behavioral Health

"This training brought together case managers, VR counselors and job developers to focus on the importance of work for people with Serious Mental Illness. Mindy's light-hearted "fun" presentation style, her extensive experience in this field, some "real-life" examples that directly applied to the work we do, and "new" techniques and strategies for working with clients, employers and team members as well, made this one of the best trainings I've ever participated in! Thank you!"


Jennifer Thorson, Director

Rehabilitation Services

Triple R Behavioral Health, Inc.

Phoenix, AZ